Wednesday, March 27, 2013

This guy.

Mr. Handsome and I have gone on a diet and started working out hard this week. I have lost a whole ZERO pounds this week, he has lost Thirteen. (I'm still a little  bitter. haha!)
I felt a little defeated stepping on the scale after working my butt off all week and seeing that I lost nothing. I wanted to throw the towel in. Eating a well rounded diet, and attending booty camp every morning did nothing! But then I realized, I FEEL better this week. I'm happy, I have energy, I want to be active all day long!
After saying how I feel like I will  just look nasty next to him on our wedding day, and having my I-know-you-secretly-think-i'm-gross-and-fat-and-ugly moment, he followed with:
"I am not marrying you for your weight. I am marrrying you because you are you. You are beautiful. And when you curl your hair on date nights, you are sexy as hell!"
And then it all hit me:
I AM SO LUCKY! I love this man more then life itself.
& I am so excited to marry him!!

This guy, he's a blessing!

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